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Billing - VSPC

General Workflow for License and Storage Consumption

Obtaining storage consumption statistics from VCD tenants requires querying several Veeam Service Provider Console REST API endpoints and aggregating the numbers in the client code.

  1. Retrieve List of Companies and Their UID
    GET /api/v3/organizations/companies

  2. Retrieve List of Backup Jobs and Accumulate Them Using mappedOrganizationUid Value
    This will represent all backup jobs assigned to the tenant.
    GET /api/v3/infrastructure/backupServers/jobs/backupVmJobs


    You can use the backupChainSize value as the total size of all backup files created by the backup job, in bytes. Alternatively, you can get a breakdown using other API endpoints.

  3. Retrieve All Protected VMs and Accumulate Them Using jobUid Value
    This will represent all protected VMs for a specific company.
    GET /api/v3/protectedWorkloads/virtualMachines


    • Use latestRestorePointDate less then 30 days to calculate licensed workloads.
    • Use totalRestorePointSize to calculate storage consumption.

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